Thursday, March 6, 2008

Blog Revived

After a long long time I decided to start blogging again. The reason is simple. I'm so bloody boooooooored! It's a good chance for me to practice my Engrish skillz' too! yaaay!

I want to rant and complain about a few things today.

Firstly...WHAT IS WRONG WITH MOE?! WHY DO THEY HAVE TO MAKE US WAIT SO DAMN LONG FOR OUR RESULTS?! I COULD HAVE DIED WAITING FOR THEM!! aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh....and I'm shit scared. It's tomorrow...boohooo. What if i did well? Straight As? B for GP, A for my H2s and a B or C for my H1? Will I be happy? What Uni courses will i then choose? What if I did not do so well? Bs? Cs? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I saw an article on the newspaper that says that Singaporean students are tops in the world for mathematics and science, but they also have very little confidence in themselves. I'm a Singaporean student. Damn. And Why do they have to ask those who scored 3As 4As and whatever to go up and collect their results first?! I'll get a heart-attack if I'm not one of them. aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

NEXT! I want to blog about my driving lessons. I went for my Final Theory Test (FTT) E-trial this morning. It rained in the morning so my feet were wet and freezing cold inside the room. I was about 10 min late too! I felt like i wasted my own money...because at end of the 2 sessions I did not manage to finish the last pratice paper on time! If only I had 10 minutes more!!! gggrrrr....
On the other hand, I think I did quite well for the pratice papers =D! Scored 98% for a few, passed all but 1 which I got 88%. Not bad...and I went to re-do that paper and I got 100%! ok I'm like cheating myself.

The next thing i want to complain about is the TV shows on the internet. WHAT HAPPENED MAN WHY IS THERE NO NEW EPISODES OF PRISON BREAK FOR 2 WEEKS ALREADY?! I wanna watch I wanna watch because I don't have much to do at home. And then there's this stupid channel which had some problem so I can't watch the whole match between the Suns and the Nuggets. I bet the Suns lost anyway...what a poor decision by whoever to trade Shawn Marion and Marcus Banks for Shaq. Shaq is way past his prime...and he likes to make empty-promises to the media about bouncing back and proving them wrong etc nowadays. What were they thinking when they executed the trade?? Why can't they be a step faster than the Lakers n snap up Pau Gasol or go for some other decent Big Man that has enough pace and speed to keep up with their game like maybe Duncan, Bosh, Brand or whoever. BAAAAAh i can see that i digressed too much. I'm random. Maybe I have A.D.D. ?

For those who have absolutely no idea what is A.D.D. , go to youtube and search 'nigahiga' then watch his video 'Rant on A.D.D' =D. He's a funny dude...I like his videos...if you have the time you should go watch them tooo! How to be Gansta', Ipod human, Asian boy etc....funny shit=)

And I like Soulja Boy's Crank Dat!!!!
I'm like a crazy fella with that song stuck in my head for hours! I like it's silly dance too!

Shall change the layout and design and template and everything for the miserable blog soon. I don't like those kinda stuff so I tend to procrastinate.


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